ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Undeploying Glassfish web application does not disconnect from ObjectDB

Glassfish3.1.1 Netbeans7.1 ObjectDB 2.3.7_19 If I deploy a web application to Glassfish using ObjectDB as JPA provider, then undeploy, I can't access the database file in the ObjectDB explorer ... embedded mode? Apparently undeploying a web application from GlassFish doesn't close

Compile time enhancement using build.xml of a Netbeans web application

Does anybody have a complete, working example of the adaptations required in the build.xml of a Netbeans web application project to specify ObjectDB compile time enhancement, for both single file ... Darren Kelly Update. The following in a Netbeans web application build.xml works for an entire build

Can I use the objectDB in android application?

I'm interesting in the ObjectDB, and I want to know if it passiable run at the android application. The ObjectDB does not support other program language , but can the export an relational database models and data,when they have to change. wamdy wamdy Android is currently not supported

Rename Application StringIdentity

I don't think JDO supports altering an entity's Application Identity. Does ObjectDB? @PersistenceCapable public class MyClass implements Serializable, Cloneable{ @Id private StringIdentity id; ... } PersistenceManager persistenceManager = ...; Transaction transaction

Refresh data in application after database data has changed

Hi, I have a Java program that can manage and create some Person objects. When I start my application and I want to add a person with the same national number as a person already in the database, my program has to block the creation. So far so good. Now... I have a person in my database

internal object DB locking in an embedded multi threaded application

Hi, we are using Embeded objectDB 2.4.4_06 in a highly multithreaded concurrent manner and we have noticed a performance problem in our application that seems to be attributed to ObjectDb's internal locking. When profiling our app in JVisualVm we notice a large number of threads are blocked

multi thread application, id field sporadically null

We are testing objectDB with a multi thread application. Each thread has it's own entityManager created from a common factory. In one thread we receive sometimes an object from the database with the field that is declared as @Id having the value null (what is not correct, we checked

How to access database object to my application.

How to access database object to my application.

Application not starting after enhancement

I added the class enhancer to my build script and I get the expected output of a list with the enhanced classes. Now if I try to deploy my created application I get the following error: Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Receiver class org.test.app.base.models.Data does not define or

Unable to stop server after starting in SSL mode

ObjectDB server starts & stops fine in non-SSL mode using start & stop shell scripts. ObjectDB server starts fine in SSL mode using start script but throws error and does not stop using stop shell script. Non-SSL mode server start/stop output: ObjectDB Server started on port 7032. ObjectDB

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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